Feeling Lost..? Demoralized due to Problems In Life..? Feels like Blank..?
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Monday 24 September 2012

I Read these lines by Pico Iyer today Morning and got lost in My thoughts intensley... 
Blogging that thoughts.. Hope You Can Gain Some Change in View....----

In times of our journey  when it's in it's Start..,
we walk the paths that are apart..!
We lose and lose only until we realise the reason..,
that we were trying to burn the Fire with a wrong Spark..1

Then We get that We were Unknowingly Juggling.,
with our hearts for the Things that were not Worth the Strugglings..!
We didn't KnowThe Schemes Of the Angels..,
That They Always Suffer Who Fear Sufferings..!

Then Comes the  Point In Everyone's Lives,
When the Reason for All the Past suffering gets Clearer!
We Decide to Get Out the Trap And Start to Feel Alive,
And now We know With Every Wrong Way The Right Path Gets Nearer..!

- By Pranav(Dhruvv)

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