Feeling Lost..? Demoralized due to Problems In Life..? Feels like Blank..?
Friend You Need Some Inspiration..?
And You Are At The Right Place...!
Welcome To Inspirant.... Hope It will Help A Little bit....!

Friday 5 October 2012

Everywhere Boredom Nothings New..!
I Still have Smiles But They Are Not True..!
No Love, No Friends, Neither Old Nor New..!
I Think I Need A New Outlet To Live..!

Like Everyone I Have Gifts Of My Own..!
Some They Accept And Others Are Blown..!
A Second I am Liked And Another I am Thrown..!
So I Am Moving Myself  To A Brand New Zone ..!

I Whole New Sky , A Whole New Ground..,
I Wanna Show Them That I am Too Profound..!
While reading these lines You may Hear A Sound..!
My Friend It's Your Heart Speaking To You, Don't Search It Around..!

- By Pranav{Dhruvv}