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Saturday 3 November 2012

What Is Art -


To it we have to frst knw whats art... and artist..
its my own defination..
the creator or nature had hidden most great sectreats of life in the most simple things..
but due to hhuman nature of ignoring simle and get amazed with comlecated... nost of human cant see or know the sectreats...
the proccess of obsrving simple things and knowing the copmlecated secrets of it and trans
pose it into a understandanle art form.. aractively and so that people ll get amazed by it .. is called art...
and the artist is a prson who has the creative point of view which is developed by a lot of practice and obsrvations...,
an artist is a prson who sees the uncommon in common...
and raspose into a simple but atractive way into an artwork to make others know whats it... and open there eyes.. evrithing is art..
evryones a artist..
an engineer , a scietist, a teacher, a student evryone..
sm ppl ll say that hw cn i compae art to scienc or engg..
but they to creat and obsrv and practice..
the too have a point of view..
falling of aple was a simple n cmmon thing
but newton obsrved it only ..
coz he thought creatively..
so he too was an artist..
evrything is same..

Pranav Malpe

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