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Wednesday 17 October 2012

This IS A Little Rap Song Writen from Me On Behalf Of All the Fans Or Stans of Eminem To Wish Him A Really HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!
Hey yo..
Do You Know What's the Day Today., Yeah it's Really Important Day..
In The Rap History....!
The One Who Made Rap More Real.. N Gave It A True Feel..
It's No Mistery ..!
The One Who Lived In 8-MIle.., And Hooked The Rap-World In New Trail..,
Yeah This Is His Story..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Slim Shady Or whatever You Would Like To call Him..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Who made Us Swing On The Music Like A Pendulum..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Hey All Stans Go Out , Shout Loud And Tell Everyone Of Them..!
Yeah Baby He Is Eminem,!
The King, The Most Brilliant And Great Artist In Rap Kingdom..!
Yeah He Is Eminem.,!
Whenever The Rap Lyrics Strucks The Heartbeat Of Someone.!
Remember It Eminem..!

Wishing A Snappy, Flappy, Covering The Whole Mappy, Happy And Rappy Birthday To Him..!
We Salute An Love You Eminem....!

by Pranav (Dhruvv)..

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