Feeling Lost..? Demoralized due to Problems In Life..? Feels like Blank..?
Friend You Need Some Inspiration..?
And You Are At The Right Place...!
Welcome To Inspirant.... Hope It will Help A Little bit....!

Friday 26 October 2012

Life is Like a Video Game...

I don't know where this road will lead me...
But I do know M Happy on this though m Alone...
Coz thats what my Life meant to be... Struggle Lonely.. without Saying... or ComplaIning..
Coz the Problem Today makes Me Stronger for Tomorrow ..
Its like a Video Game I GUESS..
If I win, I get more Powers FOR THE NEXT LEVEL ..
If I lose, there's Always The Button of "Try Again"...


Monday 22 October 2012

i rap about mom

An Xperience In MY CHILDHOOD.. m Trying to rap It In MY WILD HOOD..
In the shivering of COLD NIGHTt... My Mom huged me n did HOLD TIGHT...
She put 1 PALM ON MY HEAD.. to CALM me ON MY BED..
Her Finger WIPING MY TEAR.. Through her Love M SKIPPING MY FEAR..
I Dont Need to go HERE or THERE in Search of THE REAL
love Coz My Mom's Always THERE NEAR Me .. To Give DARE And CARE...

i rap about people

hey yo PEOPLE...
don't try to be FEEBLE..
u like to throw dirty PEBBLES..
ok..m also not RELIEABLE on YOU..
as your minds have FEW thoughts n theres nothing NEW in what you BELIEVE..
with me you can LIVE or LEAVE..
i can alone PERCIEVE.. what i wanna ACHIEVE..
so i ll never Ever GIVE ..
you the athority to SCREW my DREAMS.. you ignored ma SCREAMS..
i can FIGHT the dark widout a SINGLE BEAM of LIGHT...
i dont have to MINGLE you n tell m RIGHT..
coz deep inside in you theres a FRIGHT... that i MIGHT be ALRIGHT and one day i ll sreaw your SIGHT...
enough FR YOU ..

Wednesday 17 October 2012

This IS A Little Rap Song Writen from Me On Behalf Of All the Fans Or Stans of Eminem To Wish Him A Really HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!
Hey yo..
Do You Know What's the Day Today., Yeah it's Really Important Day..
In The Rap History....!
The One Who Made Rap More Real.. N Gave It A True Feel..
It's No Mistery ..!
The One Who Lived In 8-MIle.., And Hooked The Rap-World In New Trail..,
Yeah This Is His Story..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Marshall Bruce Mathers III or Slim Shady Or whatever You Would Like To call Him..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Who made Us Swing On The Music Like A Pendulum..!
Yeah He Is Eminem,!
Hey All Stans Go Out , Shout Loud And Tell Everyone Of Them..!
Yeah Baby He Is Eminem,!
The King, The Most Brilliant And Great Artist In Rap Kingdom..!
Yeah He Is Eminem.,!
Whenever The Rap Lyrics Strucks The Heartbeat Of Someone.!
Remember It Eminem..!

Wishing A Snappy, Flappy, Covering The Whole Mappy, Happy And Rappy Birthday To Him..!
We Salute An Love You Eminem....!

by Pranav (Dhruvv)..

Friday 5 October 2012

Everywhere Boredom Nothings New..!
I Still have Smiles But They Are Not True..!
No Love, No Friends, Neither Old Nor New..!
I Think I Need A New Outlet To Live..!

Like Everyone I Have Gifts Of My Own..!
Some They Accept And Others Are Blown..!
A Second I am Liked And Another I am Thrown..!
So I Am Moving Myself  To A Brand New Zone ..!

I Whole New Sky , A Whole New Ground..,
I Wanna Show Them That I am Too Profound..!
While reading these lines You may Hear A Sound..!
My Friend It's Your Heart Speaking To You, Don't Search It Around..!

- By Pranav{Dhruvv}

Monday 1 October 2012

It's What You Dream Of And Never Dared to Be ...!
Let that Earge Get Out Of The Heart And Set It Free..!
B'Coz Whenever, Wherever You Will Walk This Earth..,
It's Going To Be Screaming In Your Mind,"Choose Me..!"

So What are you Waiting for Now,?
Don't Think What Is It? Why? Or How?
Get On The Track You Chose To Play With,
And Remember Make the Volume Loud..!

Don't think Of The World Who don't Even Know You,
They Got Many Wrong And Simple Ways To Show You,
Don't Give up to Distracting, or Attracting The Wrong Destiny,
Creator Has Already Chose Your Path And He Is trying to Show You..!

   By Pranav{Dhruvv}

Here I am Again Trying to Write..,
To Express my Daily fight..!
Don't know it's Wrong or Right.....,
But Do know Their is a Day after Every Night ....!

This Is What I Always Wanted to Do...!
Though It Seems to Others Like Vudooo..
They Think they Know Me Well, 
But They don't Really Know What I have Been Through..!

Ok, Just check This Line Out,
And Tell Me If You Get Any Doubt..!
"When There's Courage Inside You.,
You don't Actually Need To Shout...!"

-By Pranav{Dhruvv}